Okt 18

Torsten Strauß

Memory Grant in Microsoft SQL Server

Memory Grant in Microsoft SQL Server von Torsten Strauß

Vom 17. bis 20. Oktober fanden die „ SQLdays 2022“ in Erding statt.

Video zum Vortrag von Torsten Strauß mit dem Titel "Memory Grant in Microsoft SQL Server" anlässlich der SQLdays 2022.

When SQL Server executes a query, memory is required to store temporary data while rows are sorted or joined.
This memory grant is controlled by the resource semaphore to avoid that a query monopolizes the whole memory for itself and thus all other queries must wait for their memory allocation. In this session, we will cover memory grant in detail and its server memory dependency, the impact of the resource governor, spilling to tempdb as a result of missing memory, and finally the functionality of the memory grant feedback feature, which was introduced in SQL Server 2019.
Thereby, we will also learn how to identify and optimize memory intensive queries to increase overall throughput.

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